Продукти за g игри (3)

Уплътнение на буталото

Уплътнение на буталото

Hydraulik / Pneumaitk
Имиджов филм, рекламeн филм, продуктoв филм или корпоративен филм

Имиджов филм, рекламeн филм, продуктoв филм или корпоративен филм

Unabhängig welche Art von Film benötigt wird, wir schaffen aussagekräftige und qualitativ hochwertige Bilder die überzeugen.
Технология на Процесите

Технология на Процесите

Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.). Particularly suitable for the removal of graphite, AW and EP additives, salts, soaps, and emulsion residue. Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste. Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging. Cleaning of machined parts (after turning, milling, drilling, etc.). Particularly suitable for the removal of grease, oil, wax, resins, corrosion protection agents and esters. Generally suitable for the removal of dust, metal chips, surfactants, stearates and polishing paste. Preparation of parts for downstream processing such as joining (by clinching, etc.), assembly and packaging. Cleaning of machined parts after turning, milling or drilling, grinding, polishing, lapping and honing, punching and forming (stamping & bending, deep drawing, extruding, etc.).